We prioritize the connections between the school and parents. It is our responsibility to encourage communication with parents, connections between the school and its communities, and understanding the perspectives and needs of families attending Kaabe Schools. You can expect the following opportunities to connect with the school:
- Community events, such as visits to Kaah Playground or the trampoline park
- Volunteer opportunities
- Parent-teacher conferences
- Academic, social, and emotional progress reports
- School WhatsApp groups
- Workshops and information meetings discussing Kaabe’s pedagogy and Montessori
School leaders always welcome visits and communication from parents and strive for every parent to thoroughly understand their child’s education.
Waxa aanu xooga saaraynaa xidhiidhka u dhexeeyaa dugsiga iyo waalidiinta. Anaga ayay masuuliyadi naga saarantahay in aanu xoojino xidhiidhka nagala dhaxeeya waalidiinta, xidhiidhka dugisigaiyo bulshada, iyo fahamka aragtida iyo ka warhaynta baahiyaha qoysaska dugsiyada Kaabe dhigta.
Fursadahan soo socda ayaad ka filan kartaa si aad ugu xidhnaatid dugsigayada Kaabe:
- Manaasabado sida booqashooyinka Kaah Playground ama beerta Trampoline
- Fursado mutadawacnimo
- Shirarka macalimiinta iyo waalidiinta
- Warbixinaha horumarka tacliinta, dhexgalka bulshada, iyo isbedalka dareenka ardayga
- WhatsApp groups lagu wada xidhiidho
- Siminaaryo lagu lafo-gurayo oo la isku xog-waraysanayo falsafada waxbarasho ee Montessori iyo manhajka Kaabe
Maamulka iyo hawl-wadeenada dugsiga Kaabe waxa ay markasta u heelan yihiin soo dhawaynta booqashooyinka waalidiinta ee la xidhiidhka warqabka heerka waxbarasho ee ilmahoogu marayo.