Hargeisa, Somaliland


About Us

About Us

Fundamental Information / Macluumaad Aassaasi

Kaabe School was founded in 2019 with this vision: expand the benefits that people got from Abaarso to more families. The school is part of the Abaarso Network, which is made up of three educational institutions: Abaarso School of Science and Technology, Barwaaqo University, and Kaabe Schools. Kaabe Schools have five locations: New Hargeisa, Jigjiga Yar (Cosob Mall and Admas University), Masalaha, and Berbera.

Kaabe School ayaa sannadkii 2019kii lagu aasaasay himiladaan: in la ballaadhiyo faa’idoyiinkii ay dadku ka heleen Iskuulka Abaarso si loo gaadhsiiyo qoysas badan. Iskuulku wuxuu ka mid yahay Shabakada Abaarso oo ay ka mid yihiin saddex machad: Dugsiga Sayniska iyo Teknoloojiyada ee Abaarso, Jaamacadda Barwaaqo, iyo Iskuulada Kaabe. Iskuulada Kaabe waxay leeyihiin shan qaybood: New Hargeisa, Jigjiga Yar (Cosob Mall iyo Admas University), Masalaha, iyo Berbera.

Mission Statement / Ujeedo rasmiga ah ee iskuulka

Kaabe Schools pioneers student-centered, community oriented, inclusive education by Somalilanders, for Somalilanders.

Dugsiyada Kaabe waxa ay ku hawlanyihiin soo saarista arday carbisan oo ku baraarugsan dhankooda waxbarasho iyo doorka ay ku leeyihiin waxqabadka bulshadooda, kuwaasi oo ah arday wadanka u dhashay waxna ay barayaan macalimiin wadanka u dhashay.

Curriculum / Manhajka

Kaabe Schools offer a student-centered curriculum. “Student-centered” means that our program is designed to fit the needs and characteristics of our students. For example, the furniture and materials in our classrooms are an appropriate size for the smaller bodies of children. We are influenced by Montessori Education. Montessori is an educational method developed by a doctor and teacher named Maria Montessori in the beginning of the 20th century. Today, Montessori Education has spread throughout the world to countries everywhere. We see every child as a capable, unique individual. Our system focuses on supporting young people to explore their interests and develop fundamental values of leadership, creativity, critical thinking, discipline, and gratitude. With these values, Montessori students will be able to succeed for the rest of their lives. In our classrooms, students learn and use materials related to English, math, logic, science, geography, history, Somali culture, and other subjects. Teachers help each student individually to grow at their own pace. Our students also learn Islamic studies and the Arabic language five days a week with an experienced teacher of these subjects.

Iskuulada Kaabe waxay bixiyaan manhaj ardayda xooga saara. “Ardayda in xooga la saaro” micnaheedu waa in barnaamijka loo naqshadeeyo si ku haboon baahida iyo sifooyinka ardayda. Tusaale ahaan, agabka fasalka yaala, sida miisaska iyo kuraasta, xajmigoodu waa mid ku haboon qarada ardayda. Waxa aanu saameyn ka helnay Waxbarashada Montessori. Montessori waxa weeye habka waxbarashada ee dhaktarada iyo macalimadda lagu magacaabo Maria Montessori ayay abuurtay bilowgii qarnigii 20aad. Maanta, Waxbarashada Montessori waxay ku faafsantahay adduunka oo dhan ilaa dalalka meel kasta.Waxbarashada Montessori waxa ay u aragtaa ilmo kasta kalli kaas oo ka duwan dadka kale. Nidaamkan wuxuu xooga saara in ay dadka da’da yar loo tageero in ay sahamiyaan xiisahooda oo ay horumariyaan anshaxyada aasaasiga ah ee madaxbanaanida, jacaylka, iskaashiga, raabitaanka in ay bartaan wax cusub, hal’abuurka, mahadnaqa, adkeysiga, iyo ficilka. Iyaga oo ay anshaxyadan leeyihiin, ardayda Montessori ahi waxay awoodi doonaan in ay cimgrigooda/noloshooda oo dhan guuleystaan. Fasaladeena, ardaydu waxay isticmaalan casharo la xidhiidha af-ingiriis, xisaab, maskax-isticmaalid, saynis, juqraafiga, taariikh, dhaqanka Soomaaliga, iyo maadooyiin kale. Macalimiintu waxay u caawiyaan arday kasta in uu u koro si shakshi-ahaaneed iyo xawaarahiisa ku haboon. Shan maalmood toddobaadka, ardaydu sidoo kale waxay bartaan tarbiyada iyo luqadda carabi,  waxaa u dhiga macalimiin khibrad u leh maadooyiinkaas.

A Message From Head of School / Farriin ka socota maamuulka iskuulka

Dear Kaabe Community,

The mission of Kaabe Schools is pioneering student centered, community oriented, inclusive education for Somaliland by Somalilanders.   We are working hard to set up our classrooms in such a way that learning is focused on the student and his/her needs, interests and abilities.  We believe that great education is a partnership between the school and the home and so we offer many opportunities for parents and the community to be involved in the school and for our community to gather and grow together.  Finally, we are committed to providing access to education for all children regardless of their special educational needs or socio-economic background.  Our teachers are a diverse group, most of whom were trained right here in Somaliland at Barwaaqo University; others we hire from overseas to bring special skills and experience needed to support our programs.  We are proud of our growth from our small beginning with 2 KG classrooms on one campus in New Hargeisa to now 22 classrooms on 5 different campuses in Hargeisa and Berbera.  We hope to continue to “grow out” by adding classrooms and schools across the country and to ‘grow up’ by adding Grade 7 and above as our students get older so that one day students can graduate secondary school from Kaabe.  

Kaabe Schools are a place where children can feel safe, understood, appreciated and challenged.  Our school is dedicated to creating a happy school and classroom culture which fosters growth and independence, motivated by the child’s inner desire to learn and succeed based on their own interests and abilities.  I have seen this for my own children and am committed to doing all I can to ensure this for yours as well.  We look forward to another great year and are grateful to share this journey with you and your children.